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Anti-Communist League

The World Anti Communist League's New Name
The World League for Freedom & Democracy

Department Of Public Information Non-Governmental Organizations Section. THE WORLD LEAGUE FOR FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY

RFA 14: The World Anti-Communist League, Pt. 1 (Recorded January 14, 1986; Approximately 230 minutes)

RFA 15: The World Anti-Communist League, Pt. 2 (Recorded March 18, 1986; Approximately 200 minutes)

Group Watch Anti-Communist League

"Inside The League: The Shocking Expose Of How Terrorists, Nazis, And Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated The World Anti-Communist League."

Search Dave Emory's Anti-Fascist Archives

WikiPedia Anti-Communist League

World Anti-Communist League



Anti G8 Mobilization Hamburg

ANTI-G8 site de mobilisation contre le G8 2007

Badespasz Halle (Saale) Infoseiten zur Mobilisierung gegen den G8-Gipfel 2007 in Heiligendamm

Bergsteiger Innen

Camp Inski

Contra G8+5 en Mexico // Against the G8 in Mexico

Dissent Network of Resistance

Fahrradkarawane 2007

Gegen den G8-Gipfel 2007 in Deutschland Against the G8-Meeting 2007 in Germany

G8 2008 OSAKA

G8 Chaos Karavaan 2007

G8 NGO Platform


G8 Information Center

Gipfelsoli Infogruppe Meldungen über globalisierte Solidarität und die Proteste gegen unsolidarische Globalisierung

In Bewegung Bleiben!

Karten von Heiligendamn

Movin Europe

Reclaim the Commons

Market and Corporate Free Trade

Hydrating the G8: Water Exploitation from UK to Brazil by Corporate Watch

Directing destiny: An article first published at The Guardian arguing that giving more power to the G8 nations will not eradicate poverty, but autonomous grassroots alternatives to capitalism will.

The Corporate Assault on Africa aka The Africa Action Plan: By Corporate Watch.


Replacements Needed and The Peace Guard are a coalition of loosely organized community members and activists dedicated to a common purpose. We are supportive of groups who use direct action and other methods of bringing the messages to the general public. Since 04-04 we have produced a poster every week (except when Mr. Hays has taken trips) that illustrate the true costs of war. That being the lives of those who die as a direct result of the bad policies enacted by the Bush administration and his corporate cronies. We use Iraqi Body Count and The Department of Defenses numbers because we feel that verifiable sources are best. We acknowledge that the cost is far higher than the numbers indicate thus the addition sign behind the Iraqi number. We  have also added the 655,000 from The Lancet Report. We are currently working with a group of global activist and local community members to develop The Peace Guard. This organization will provide peaceful security at protests and rallies. Through cooperation, development and training individuals will become capable of not only protecting the masses from the aggressive riot police but also become trained in media and medic skills we hope to be able to serve our friends and communities in the very near future. At present we are in need of athletic supplies (shoulder pads, helmets and plastic shields), storage facilities for said equipment and land upon which we can practice without being hassled by the police or other officials. Ideally the practice facilities would be in the Pacific Northwest around the Seattle area or in close proximity. If you would like to donate equipment, funds, medic training, audio/video training, legal support, media coverage or if you have a piece of land that we could use for training feel free to contact us at to coordinate.



Pepper Spray & Tear Gas Things to Remember

Required Reading!

Down With Empire! Up With Spring!

Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching

Final Empire: The Collapse of Civilization and the Seed of the Future

Arms Trade and Anti-Militarism

The G8 Arms Dealers to the World (pdf): A report by the Campaign Against Arms Trade

Anti-Militarism and the G8: Links between militarism and the G8 colonial policies.

Borders & Migration

Borders at the G8: An IndyMedia feature discussing the borders policies of the G8 countries.

G8 Audio Materials for Download

Why Close the G8?: Audio from the film made by Camcorder Guerrillas from Glasgow.

Help us through PayPal

There are two G8 Info tour presentations set for Olympia both on the night of March 26th, 2007. 1. Traditions Café 4-6p 2. Olympia Free School 7-9p If you are planning on attending the G8 conference in Heiligendamm, Germany it is strongly recommended that you attend both presentations. Seattle dates are forthcoming keep checking our site at for upcoming dates in the Pacific Northwest. ATTENTION ALL WHO SUPPORT OUR WORK here at Replacements Needed & PeaceGuard. We need your involvement today! The PeaceGuard Northwest is sending a small group of street medics to the G8 Conference in Heiligendamm, Germany June 6th, 2007 to June 8th, 2007 and we need your help. We are asking that our supporters help sponsor us in this endeavor. Also during the months of June through September 10th Mr. Hays will be going to Mexico and several islands in the Caribbean conducting audio/video interviews concerning the influence of the G8 upon that region. This is an expensive and dangerous endeavor and one that is vitally important. These interviews will be shared with many activists groups at home and abroad and will help expand our knowledge of how the G8 and our own actions are impacting the world. If you want to help sponsor this trip or are part of a group who may be able to help do so please respond by email with your contact information if you plan on making a contribution to Thank you so much for joining us on this important and necessary journey. Without your generous support we would not be able to take our activities outside the borders of our great nation and to let the world know that we are not sitting idle while they plot and plunder the very planet that we must ALL share. PeaceGuard Northwest and Replacements Needed thank you for your support. Donations can be made out to: Thomas Hays In "subject" line please put “PeaceGuard G8 Trip” Send checks to; Thomas Hays Po Box #20798 Seattle WA 98102 Or donate online at THANK YOU!


G8 Protest Resources

A Space Outside Reader: Notes & Analysis from Australia's 2006 Mobilization against the G20

Archived from 2005 (and still Gr8!)

G8 History and In Depth Reports

Bringing Home the G8: A 52 page Corporate Watch report

What is the G8 (pdf): from Dissent!

People and Planet G8 Briefing (pdf)

The G8: A Study in Power (or why people should protest)

Environment & Climate Change

The G8 Way to Climate Chaos: Facts about the G8 governments (PDF)

Beyond the G8 - Capitalism and Climate Change: An analysis of the interconnections and why we cannot leave solutions to world leaders.

Climate Chaos And The G8

Africa Pays Price of G8 Climate Blindspot

Beyond Oil: The oil curse and solutions for an oil-free future (pdf)

Climate Fraud and Carbon Colonialism: The New Trade in Greenhouse Gases

The Sky is not the Limit - Critique of the emerging market in greenhouse gases (pdf)

Rising Tide Coalition for Climate Justice Political Statement

Stop Exxon - Global Warming page

Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: G8, climate change and free-market environmentalism (pdf)

Feedback, submissions, ideas? Email: